7 different countries, the same need for raising awareness

The participants of the “Let’s talk about gender, baby!” training course, coming from 7 European countries (Romania, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Poland and Greece) created a series of materials for their own community, with the aim of informing on a few issues and concepts related to gender equality.

The implementation phase of the Design Thinking process, the methodology that was the basis of the course that took place in July, was guided by both the coordinator project team and the partner organizations in the country. The youth workers who took part in this project implemented small awareness-raising campaigns to reach even more young people in their communities (especially those directly affected by gender-based discrimination and violence).

If at the beginning of the project, the contact with the local community was to identify the problems they face (each participant conducted an interview with community members affected by gender inequality), after the training, they focused on identifying solutions.

From deciding which topics are worth addressing and in what way within the team, to creating informative visual materials, they were disseminated on the personal accounts of the participants, on the social accounts of the coordinating organization, but also on the accounts of the partners involved in the project.

Among the chosen topics, there are concepts and information about gender equality, identity and gender identity, but also intersectionality – concepts theorized during the training, explored in practice through the Newspaper Theatre method and deepened through the set of resources sent to the participants at the end of the training course.

This project is funded through Erasmus+, a program of the European Union.